AEF Childish 1200

Discussion in 'Badminton Stringing Techniques & Tools' started by Desmond C, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. Desmond C

    Desmond C Regular Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    Mississauga, Ontario
    Hi, can anyone give me their opinions or a review on this machine? I have potentially set up a very good deal with a seller, and was wondering if it was worth it? ($200CDN)
  2. RedShuttle

    RedShuttle Regular Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    Western Hemisphere
    What do you want to know? I don't have any experience with other machines but my machine works fine. $200 is a good price (including tools I assume). It costs over $100 to ship from China, on top of the machine and accessories.
  3. ucantseeme

    ucantseeme Regular Member

    Feb 21, 2010
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    Z-Force II
    The price is good. But you should ask yourself:

    1. Would you ever string over 26bs? Most flying clamps start to slip at around this tension and a flying clamp job feels always around 2lbs more loose than a fixed clamp one.

    2. How often do you string? If you string only your racket(s) and just a few of your good friends this machine is a good choice.

    3. How do you see stringing? If it's just a unloved job to save some bugs or because of your stringer is too far away or something like that, this machine is OK.

    Trust me. Things will become different. I bought my first machine, just for my rackets, now I string for my whole club (20 rackets/month without my own) with tension from 20lbs to 34lbs. If you are badminton addicted like me you will tune your machine and invest money. You will become more interested and would like enjoy a good machine. You want to become a better stringer, with a better machine. It's a good bang for the bug but not a long time investment. You should invest in a around 400-500CAD if you want a machine which will satisfy you in all aspects for a few years.
    pepe54 likes this.

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